Cheval Newsletter April 2018
- A huge welcome to our new members – we hope to see you out and about this year.
- A special shout out to Lauren Byrne and Elaine Philips who both upgraded and subsequently won their higher grade dressage classes at the first leg of our dressage league– all their hard work paying off!
- Cheval Buddy system – There is whatsapp group to facilitate making arrangements with other members who may be looking for someone to accompany them to either a show or a clinic or to school with someone in Cheval the grounds. If you would like to be included on the whatsapp group please text Angela. There is no requirement to be on the group so if you have been included and would prefer not to be, just let us know we can remove you from the group.
Good luck to all our members who have new mounts – please let us know how you’re getting on.
- Remember if you have any questions queries or comments or if you would like us to bring something up to the NER please contact
Quick Round up
- NER Final- Well done to Nuala Stafford who came 3rd overall in height Class League, lovely double Clear and 6th in Intermediate class at the Equipet NER league final hosted by Castle Leslie RC ☺
- The seminar with Mental Performance Coach Poppy Blandford (B.Sc OT, M.Sc PMC) –
Mental Performance Coach held in February certainly gave us plenty of food for thought on how to maximise performance by putting in place the necessary mental strategies to help us perform at our best. A huge thank you to Poppy for her time, Rachael for organising and all those who attended. The event was well attended and raised much needed revenue for the club.
- Well done to the Cheval riders competing in our dressage league Sandra Hannigan is currently lying 2nd in the walk trot on her four year old Yukon Pearl. Elaine Phillips, Triona Dever, and Geraldine Farrell are 1st, 2nd and 4th respectively in AP, but its still all to paly for as there are two more legs! Thank you to our writers so far Sarah Cashin and Ger Gaul for there help with the first two legs.
- Dressage and Show Jumping Teams – Laura Carrick and Elaine Philips have been doing a great job organising and coordination teams for the RDS SJ qualifiers and the NER Dressage Championships qualifiers. Show jumping teams have to be submitted in May at this stage you should be in contact with Laura if you are interested (inter & above) – REMEMBER if your horse is not registered with the AIRC by May 1st you cannot participate. Dressage team selection will be made after a selection day held on 5th of May in Cheval. Please contact Elaine if you want to take part (all grades).
- Dressage league: This league has been kindly sponsored by Simple Stocks. The next leg of our league is 21st April with the final on the 28th This league is the last time to practice your Dressage Championship tests as the summer shows revert to the Festival tests. Volunteers to help on the day are required please contact a member of the committee. This is an open to all event – with a walk trot test for young riders and/or young horses. Please spread the word about this league to ensure it is well supported. Prepay and enter online:
- 2018 membership – Membership form is available online or contact Karen at we will be taking new 2018 members. Cards will not be processed without completed membership form and payment. We are experiencing large delays with card processing – head office is taking a longer than normal time to turn around cards. Please keep this in mind.
- Lancelot award nominations. Cheval was very proud to have two nominated people up for Lancelot Awards this year, Angela Day and Billy Hughes. Unfortunately they did not win but Cheval as a club would like to thank them for all there support and hard work 🙂
- Body protectors Only BETA Level 3 (purple) 2009 body protectors allowed from 2018 – the old 2000 standard is no longer up to safety standards
- AIRC rule changes: As you may be aware the AIRC released a new 2018 rule book – it is on the Cheval website and the AIRC website. Members are reminded to familiarise themselves with this rule book. If you have any questions please email and we will do our best to help you
- Horse registration – no matter what your competition plans are for 2018 we recommend you register your horse with the AIRC straight away. This avoids disappointment later in the year when you discover you cannot enter a particular show because this is not done. It is a very easy free process and can be done online THIS MUST BE DONE BY 1st of MAY IF YOU WISH TO COMPETE ON A TEAM
- Cheval Leaderboard – each year we keep a record of how club members are getting on and then have end of year awards based on results. Results of AIRC shows and Cheval open to all shows are eligible for the leader board. Rules are staying the same as last year and will be circulated by email – but it is up to you to submit your results to in order to be counted.
- NER leading rider awards – The NER has introduced a fantastic new leading rider award. A scoreboard will be kept over the NER summer shows for a leading Dressage and Jumping rider at each grade. These awards will be presented at the annual NER ball toward the end of 2018. Details included in the attached poster.
- Horse Rescue Collection – During storm Emma many of the horse rescue centres reserves were depleted so we would like to do our bit to help out. We will be holding a collection during our dressage league – cash donations will be truly appreciated. We are planning to make the donation to The Leinster Horse and Pony Rescue (LHPR).Results:
Upcoming Events:
The calendar is chock a block for 2018 – far too many to mention here so we have just listed some of the upcoming dates. We do our best to keep it up to date, but please always check with event organisers.
All AIRC events are listed on
- 14th April – Sandra Blake Farrell Dressage Training – NER /Cheval
- 21st April – Dressage League – Cheval – open to all
- 22nd April- Carolyn Mellor Dressage Clinic – NER / Cloncaw
- 28h April – Dressage League Final- Cheval – open to all
- 5th May – Cheval Dressage team assessment / selection day
- 6th May – Grounds closed – dog show
- 6th May – Ashbrook Derby Day – New Format – Killossry
- 12th May – Showing/WH Clinic with Kevin McGuiness – NER /Cheval
- 13th May – SJ Show – Dundalk RC/ Kernans
- 19th May – Physio Assessment with Heather Curtin – NER /Cheval
- 20th May – Kilronan Summer Show – Kilronan
- 27th May – Show jumping Qualifiers – Kiernans – AIRC
- 3rd June – Pre Festival – Cheval – AIRC
- 9th June – Festival – Mullingar – AIRC
- 10th June- Festival – Mullingar – AIRC
- 16th June – Combined training – Ard Lu/Ravensdale
- 17th June – Trip to Mounted Horse Unit Phoenix Park Bus from Kettles followed by lunch in Kettles
- 24th June – NER Dressage Qualifiers – NSA – AIRC
- 8th July – Show jumping Championships – Mullingar / AIRC
- 15th July – Grounds closed – dog show
- 28th July – Ride a test for a judge, feedback ride again. Course walk over derby with Louise McEnteggart , Cheval Members BBQ
- 29th July – 3 Field Derby – Cheval – AIRC
- 5th August – SOCK Team Jumping Challenge – Cheval – open to all
- 12th August – RDS Show Jumping Championships
- 19th August – Dressage Championships – Mullingar / AIRC
- 1st Sept – NER Dressage League – Cheval/AIRC (Run by Castlehill)
- 2nd Sept –Eventing Championships – Lisgarvan / AIRC
- 8th Sept – NER Dressage League – Cheval/AIRC (Run by Drynam)
- 9th Sept -H&P Show – Provisional Date – Cheval
- 15th Sept – NER Dressage League – Cheval/AIRC (Run by Copperfield)
- 22 Sept – NER Dressage League – Cheval/AIRC (Run by Kileek)
2018 Festival Schedule
The 2018 AIRC will be released this month. Over 80 classes will be on offer at this year’s Riding Clubs Festival which takes place on Saturday 9th and 10th June 2018 at Mullingar Equestrian Centre, Co. Westmeath.
The same programme of classes in dressage, show jumping and showing will be on offer again this year at the two-day show. There will, however, be a few tweaks to the format of a small number of classes in showing and dressage.
In showing, on Saturday, all champions and reserve champions will now go forward to their respective ring championship in the afternoon to determine who will go forward to the Carl Geisler Memorial Championship where only 6 horses will compete for the honours on Saturday evening.
The dressage programme includes the same programme as last year with individual classes along with dressage to music, long arena, musical ride, prix caprilli, pairs and team competitions. There is one minor change to the dressage to music class for advanced intermediate, open and advanced open riders as it will now take place in a 20m x 40m arena. Competitions will run from 9am each morning until approximately 5pm or 6pm depending on the number of entries while the musical ride will take place on Saturday evening.
Elsewhere, it is envisaged that all show jumping classes will take place on a sand surface while all showing will be on grass along with the majority of dressage with one arena on a surface but this is subject to change depending on the number of entries.
Asides from the competition programme, an improved programme of social events will take place on Friday and Saturday evening in the hospitality marquee as we hope to make this a memorable event for everyone.
Membership Benefits:
All Cheval Members are now Preferred Customer of The Physio Company, Chartered Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinics! Each member is entitled to:
- €10 discount on treatment charges
- Preferred Appointment times
- Free 15 minute Initial Assessment
The free consultation is designed to assist those members who feel that they might have an injury, unexplained pain, reduced flexibility, joint stiffness, muscle imbalance or a postural problem, however are unsure of whether this can be treated and if so how and by whom.
It is worth noting if you have health insurance you may be entitled to a further discount.
Locations: 21 Physiotherapy Clinics across Dublin (Baggot St, Barrow ST, IFSC, Merrion Square, Temple Bar, Durmcondra, Malahide , Navan Rd, Raheny, Santry, Swords VHI to name a few – see
Call 1890 749746 to make an appointment making sure you advise you are a Preferred Customer as a member of Cheval
Remember your AIRC card also gives you a discount in the Horse Mad Store (sponsors of the Spring Show) and Whites Argi!
Ground access
The grounds are available for members to use schooling. You can also bring a non-member along for €15.
Yvonne Hughes is the key holder for the grounds – contact her on 0860620983 (24 hours notice)
Common sense and above safety rules apply. Please let us know if you notice any damage or issues on the grounds or if something breaks. Please do not ride on the grass in wet conditions as it only leaves the ground in bad shape for our summer season.
Safety remains of utmost importance to Cheval. With the increasing number of lawsuits insurance prices are on the rise. The AIRC’s own insurance went up 40% last year – and for Cheval insurance is our biggest annual expenditure. We must be vigilant to ensure all accidents are avoided and when they do happen we follow a strict protocol. This will help lessen the chances of the club being sued.
With that in mind:
- Please be reminded no one can ride in the grounds without a competent person with them. This person must be able to call for an ambulance and give directions in the worst case scenario.
- At all times whilst mounted a riding hat (up to current AIRC standard) must be worn and must be fastened closed.
- If you have a fall whilst training on the grounds you must report it to a member of the committee – you will be required to fill out an accident report form soonest
- A body protector is recommended for jumping.
At any show run by any AIRC club:
- If you have a fall or have an accident you must report it to a member of the hosting club committee or the entries desk – you will be required to fill out an accident report form before remounting
- Be vigilant – if you see anyone acting in an unsafe manner you can ask them to stop or report it to a member of the hosting club
At any show run by Cheval:
- If you have a fall or have an accident you must report it to a member of the show committee or the entries desk – you will be required to fill out an accident report form before remounting.
- If you see anyone fall – ensure they fill an accident report form before remounting – we need all members to help with this as if Cheval’s insurance increases so will your membership.
- Be vigilant – if you see anyone acting in an unsafe manner you can ask them to stop or report it to a member of the committee urgently – remember Cheval is your club and your responsibility.
- There is a two fall rule – if you fall twice at any show run by Cheval you are not allowed remount at that show under any circumstances
We will be providing members with some training on how to complete an incident report form – the more detail provided in this form the better as it can help avoid law suits down the line.
No member shall:
- Conduct themselves at any event in a manner which is offensive to the public.
- At any event, argue, behave with incivility or contempt, or use abusive or threatening language, towards a judge, official or other person.
- Conduct themselves in a manner detrimental to the character and/or prejudicial to the interests of Cheval Jordanstown CLG, Cheval Riding Club CLG, AIRC or a third party.
- Make, either orally or in writing, to an officer of Cheval Jordanstown CLG, Cheval Riding Club CLG, AIRC or a third party, a statement on a matter covered by the Rules which they know to be untrue.
For more details see the company constitutions on
