Trick or Treat!!! Happy Halloween Everybody
Trick or Treat!!! Happy Halloween Everybody
Here’s a round up of what you need to know, as a member of Cheval RC:
- Show Jumping – The NER Winter League has a change of date. Cheval have moved their leg of the league to 22nd January in Broadmeadows.
- Dressage Diva’s – Our first training session is with Sarah Ennis on the 17th November in
Balcultry Stables – Bookings are closing on the 10th November.
- The Club AGM is on this Friday 4th November- Please email Karen @ to confirm that your attending. It’s in Kettles at 7.30pm. Can you please confirm, if you would like to have food, and if you would like the chicken curry or the vegetarian option. We need to let the Hotel know now. Also, can please bring back the Trophies from last year, payment can will also be taken for next years club membership at the AGM.
- Tickets for the NER Ball – last chance to buy your tickets! You can get them at the AGM on Friday
Please check your club emails for more information
