March 2017 newsletter
- Congratulations to Lucy Brophy and David McGinty on the birth of baby Oille
- A huge thank you to Debbie Larkin her amazing work on the Cheval committee over the years. Debbie is taking a well earned break from the committee to work on her horses – if her show jumping results are anything to go by its certainly paying off!
- Good luck to all our members who have new mounts – please let us know how your getting on.
- Well done to everyone who took part in the NER league – especially Ros Byrne who won NER AP class – you and Stanley make a great team
- A huge congratulations to Laura Carrick and Adam Monk who are getting married this week – best of luck for your future together.
- Whishing Christine Walsh a speedy recovery from her recent op – looking forward to seeing you in the judging chair soon.
- Happy birthday and best wishes to Eddie Hannigan, a long standing Cheval member, not to mention a very good neighbour!
- With the spring / summer season starting – we encourage members to try and meet up together at shows for support. Either post on the Facebook page or contact a member of the committee and we can put you in contact with a buddy. We have a large member base and it is very unlikely you are the only Cheval member competing at a show – so you do not have to be alone on the day!
Dressage Training for Dressage Teams with Sarah Ennis, in Balcultry 23rd and 30th March, 25 plus PP fee.
If your name is not in the hat yet, and you want to be included please contract Catriona on 086-852 3405 or email, pay online at
Cheval Spring Dressage League Reminder Cheval Spring Dressage League is open all and starts on the 26th of March. The Cheval dressage league is being co-ordinated by Ashling Moffitt. We have included a new class Prix Caprilli so there is something for everyone. There are lots of nice prizes and rosettes so note the dates and get practicing your moves! More details on the attached leaflet. If anyone is available to write for judges/do callup etc. please do let Ashling know.
Cheval RDS TEAM Selection – 5th April, Killossery with Ciaran Glynn.
If you want to try out for the RDS teams qualifiers this year, you need to put yourself down and pay in advance for this 30E pp (plus pp fee). This was brought in last yr to allow everyone a fair opportunity to go for teams and have an external selector, it also took pressure of team captains on selection although their option is taken into consideration.
Contract Rachael Reid on 086-0704986 or email
Horse of the Year Show Birmingham There is a trip to the Horse of the Year show planned for early October, some members already have their flights and hotels booked so if you are interested in coming along please let Karen or Angela know and they can provide you with further details.
Membership Benefits:
All Cheval Members are now Preferred Customer of The Physio Company, Chartered Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinics! Each member is entitled to:
- €10 discount on treatment charges
- Preferred Appointment times
- Free 15 minute Initial Assessment
The free consultation is designed to assist those members who feel that they might have an injury, unexplained pain, reduced flexibility, joint stiffness, muscle imbalance or a postural problem, however are unsure of whether this can be treated and if so how and by whom.
It is worth noting if you have health insurance you may be entitled to a further discount.
Locations: 21 Physiotherapy Clinics across Dublin (Baggot St, Barrow ST, IFSC, Merrion Square, Temple Bar, Durmcondra, Malahide , Navan Rd, Raheny, Santry, Swords VHI to name a few – see
Call 1890 749746 to make an appointment making sure you advise you are a Preferred Customer as a member of Cheval
Remember your AIRC card also gives you a discount in the Horse Mad Store and Whites Agri!
2017 Membership:
Remember March 31st is the cut off for members who have not yet re-joined for 2017 to remain on the mailing list – get your membership forms to Karen ASAP to ensure they are processed for the AIRC shows starting in April. Furthermore if you want to represent Cheval on a team (dressage or jumping) you must be an AIRC member by April.
Safety remains of utmost importance to Cheval. With the increasing number of lawsuits insurance prices are on the rise. The AIRC’s own insurance went up 40% this year. Luckily the committee managed to negotiate the insurance for Cheval’s grounds to stay the same for 2017, but we must be vigilant to ensure all accidents are avoided and when they do happen we follow a strict protocol. This will help lessen the chances of the club being sued.
With that in mind:
- Please be reminded no one can ride in the grounds without a competent person with them. This person must be able to call for an ambulance and give directions in the worst case scenario.
- At all times whilst mounted a riding hat (up to current AIRC standard) must be worn and must be fastened closed.
- If you have a fall whilst training on the grounds you must report it to a member of the committee – you will be required to fill out an accident report form soonest
At any show run by any AIRC club:
- If you have a fall or have an accident you must report it to a member of the hosting club committee or the entries desk – you will be required to fill out an accident report form before remounting
- Be vigilant – if you see anyone acting in an unsafe manner you can ask them to stop or report it to a member of the hosting club
At any show run by Cheval:
- If you have a fall or have an accident you must report it to a member of the show committee or the entries desk – you will be required to fill out an accident report form before remounting
- If you see anyone fall – ensure they fill an accident report form before remounting – we need all members to help with this as if Cheval’s insurance increases so will your membership
- Be vigilant – if you see anyone acting in an unsafe manner you can ask them to stop or report it to a member of the committee urgently – remember Cheval is your club and your responsibility
- There is a two fall rule – if you fall twice at any show run by Cheval you are not allowed remount at that show under any circumstances
We will be providing members with some training on how to complete an incident report form – the more detail provided in this form the better as it can help avoid law suits down the line.
2017 Leaderboard:
Email your results to Christina:
