Jan 2019 – Cheval update
All you need to know about MEMEBRSHIP RENEWALS: • If you require a Membership Renewal Form Please email Maria for one at info@chevalridingclub.com • Payment details are on the form • To check if you need a new photo you can do so here: https://www.airc.ie/online-membership-passport-image-checker/
2019 SHOW DATES for your diaries NER Showjumping League – Kindly Sponsored by Equipet Sundays: • 27th Jan Broadmeadows EQ Centre hosted by Cheval Riding Club • 3rd Feb Kernans EQ Centre hosted by Castle Leslie RC • 10th Feb Cloncaw EQ Centre hosted by Border Counties RC • 17th Feb Ravensdale EQ Centre hosted by Ard Lu RC • 3rd Mar Killosery Stud Final hosted by Killossery RC
Open to all DRESSAGE LEAGUE 3rd March – 10th March – 24th March & 31st March (Final) To be eligible for the final you must compete at 2 legs + Final. There will be Rosetetts each week and Great Prizes for the Final.
CLINICS Keep an eye out on our cheval social media pages for more updates of clinics, shows and Outings / Club Weekend Away. Please send your clinic suggestions to Christina Clarke @ training@chevalridingclub.com
RDS SHOWJUMPING QUALIFIERS Date 18th Feb @ 8.00pm Venue, Kettles Laura Carrick will co-ordinate the evening and will provide valuable information while advising the requirements that is expected of the riders, The jumping is for Intermediate riders and above, but the night is open to all to gain more information on the criteria of the teams selection. Laura has been captaining the cheval teams for over 10 years now on her super mare My Foxy Lass; so together they have a wealth of knowledge in the RDS teams jumping qualifiers as well as competing on teams at the RDS representing the NER region and Cheval Riding Club. ***Could all interested parties attending please bring along their equines passport***
