Cheval August Newsletter 2017
- The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity with members out and about competing in every discipline!! The leader board shows Cheval members are placing in every discipline 🙂
- After some PR on Angela’s part the pony club hired the grounds this week and loved it. Hopefully it will be the start of a good relationship (and revenue stream!!) for the club going forward.
- Wishing a speedy recover to Aishling Bradwell’s super gelding Tonto who is recovering from a tendon injury.
- Good luck to all our members who have new mounts – please let us know how you’re getting on.
- Grounds closed from Friday evening for SOCK. The course will be cleared from the grass arena for a grass cutting after SOCK but will remain in the sand arena until the end of August for anyone wishing to school. Remember no-one can ride alone on the grounds!!
- Dressage Championships – best of luck to our dressage team travelling to the Dressage Championships this month, and also the individual riders who qualified. It is a huge achievement to even qualify – especially in our region as there are some really strong dressage focused clubs to go up against.
- RDS Horse show – plenty of us are making our way into the RDS next week. Put it up on the group the days you are going in and arrange a drink together. Best of luck to Christina Mullen’s connie competing in Wednesday mornings performance class and Sandra Hannigan who is riding her mare Yukon Ruby in the medium weight hunter class on Friday as well as showing in hand in the Irish Draught class . If there is anyone else competing please let us know – we do not want to miss the opportunity to stand on the side lines cheering you on!! Don’t forget Killossery are the NER club through to the AIRC Showjumping final on Sunday.
- Cheval Buddy system – Angela has set up a whatsapp group to facilitate making arrangements with other members who may be looking for someone to accompany them to either a show or a clinic or to school with someone in Cheval the grounds. If you would like to be included on the whatsapp group please text Angela. There is no requirement to be on the group so if you have been included and would prefer not to be, just let us know we can remove you from the group.
- It was great to see Laura Carrick still supporting the riding club world and stepping in at Drynam’s show as show jumping judge, adding another feather to her cap! It was a change seeing her on the other side of the competition, but thankfully her wonderful mare Meghan is on the mend so we hope to see the partnership back in the ring in 2018.
Show report – Cheval Derby
Cheval ran their first AIRC Derby in a number of years on Sunday 30th July. The committee wanted to offer a show to meet members’ requests to run dates after the Festival. Over the past few years show jumping numbers have been dwindling so it was decided to try a derby.
It was an all hands on deck effort, committee member Rachael Reid and her husband James Reid, Martin O’Brien and Angela Day worked on grounds and jumps painting in the run up to the event, Vincent Doyle also loaned the club several jumps/fillers including a nice set of small cottages which could be used for the smaller classes and Aishling Moffit made a jump from logs. We also had an epic course build with every Cheval jump used. Thank you kindly to those who helped and provided additional jumps.
It was decided not to run the height classes as it doubles the amount of prizes required, this late in the season most are jumping their grade and with so many jumping efforts there may not have been much up take to jump twice on the day. As a compromise a 60cm class was introduced for anyone who whished to partake – but they were asked not to then compete in a higher class.
Course builder Louise McEnteggart created a very interesting course in the main arena with 16 jumping efforts for the 60cms & P classes. Then over three arenas, AP had 20 jumping efforts with Inter and above 27 jumping options! It is not many events you get to run a track across several fields and with the other 2 arenas used for warm up and cool down, the full grounds were in use on the day. Equine Show and Action covered photos for the day, Gourmet Burger Bar covered the catering was a quiet day for Siobhan. It was a father and son effort for Peter Nealon covering scores from Working hunter field and Andrew writing for Judge, Christine Walsh
It was another chance to grab a Cheval 40th Anniversary ribbon and lovely prizes, with Rugs for first placings. Prizes were generously awarded for all classes regardless of clears or class sizes. The results were as follows:
- Ciara McKeown Carnlynch snowman Castlehill
- Amanda Ryan Spartacus Kileek
- Lucy Tumilty Foxfield Georgina Kilrainey
- Marie Moore Lady Suzie Castlehill
- Eileen Doran Nethercross Alfie Kilrainey
- Susan Fanning Champ Copperfield
- Jennifer Kinseala Sky Kileek
- Teresa Ward Ozzy Cheval
- Ciara McKeown Carnalynch Snowman Castlehill HC
- Marie Moore Lady Suzie Castlehill HC
- Karen Kelly Decision time Cheval
- Catherine Clancy Goldilocks Killossery
- Sandra Jameson Newtown Sunny Cheval
- Finola Clogher Clonraghs Tom Boy Kilrainey
- Barbara Mackey MoonBandit &
- Eileen Cummins Troyside kick Ashbrook
- Sandra Hannigan Rosie Cheval
- Alan Fitzpatrick summerwood Molly Drynam
- Lauren Doyle Handsome Jack cheval
- Michelle Larkin Bonomore Boy Boyneside Riding Club
- Laura Tierney Pablo Cheval
- Emer McNamee City Star
- Christina Clarke Tuber Og Cheval
Yvonne Hughes Ballustree Breeze Cheval
Martin O’Brien Nuttys Touch HC
- Eamonn Moore Big Ger Abbeylands
- Mary Sheriden Chloe Kileek
- Hannah Rafferty Cor Rambler Ard Lu
Some Cheval competitors where missing in action on the day due to holidays and other commitments. Claire O’Dwyer was down eventing at Neunna Farm and came second on Bob in the novice class. Christina Mullen was busy at the Clifton Qualifiers, with her Daughter Lucy Mullen and Creevy Duke coming 2nd in the Connie Working Hunter Class, and giving four year old Ihones Oscar a run in the Green Hunter Qualifier, had some 3 poles down but was a worthy exercise despite the local down pours.
All in all it was a great show with a lovely atmosphere. Attendance may not have been as high as hoped but we covered our costs and the hope is we have built a good foundation for next year. It is certainly one to put in the diary for 2018.
1. Ciara McKeown Carnlynch snowman Castlehill
2. Amanda Ryan Spartacus Kileek
3. Lucy Tumilty Foxfield Georgina Kilrainey
4. Marie Moore Lady Suzie Castlehill
5. Eileen Doran Nethercross Alfie Kilrainey
6. Susan Fanning Champ Copperfield
70S primary
1.Jennifer Kinseala Sky Kileek
2. Teresa Ward Ozzy Cheval
3.Ciara McKeown Carnalynch Snowman Castlehill HC
4. Marie Moore Lady Suzie Castlehill HC
80s AP
1. Karen Kelly Decision time Cheval
2. Catherine Clancy Goldilocks Killossery
3. Sandra Jameson Newtown Sunny Cheval
4. Finola Clogher Clonraghs Tom Boy Kilrainey
Barbara Mackey MoonBandit &
Eileen Cummins Troyside kick Ashbrook
90s Intermediate
1. Sandra Hannigan Rosie Cheval
2. Alan Fitzpatrick summerwood Molly Drynam
3. Lauren Doyle Handsome Jack cheval
4. Michelle Larkin Bonomore Boy Boyneside Riding Club
5. Laura Tierney Pablo Cheval
6. Emer McNamee City Star
7. Christina Clarke Tuber Og Cheval
Yvonne Hughes Ballustree Breeze Cheval
Martin O’Brien Nuttys Touch HC
1m AI
1. Eamonn Moore Big Ger Abbeylands
2. Mary Sheriden Chloe Kileek
3. Hannah Rafferty Cor Rambler Ard Lu
Upcoming Cheval Events:
- 6th August – This Sunday sees the return of the SOCK team jumping event. Organised tirelessly year after year by Cheval member Aishling Bradwell and the rest of the SOCK committee, it is always a great day out even if you are not riding. Laura Carrick is offering her expertise a course builder on the day, so it is expected to be a lovely course with 60s & 70s on sand and 80s and 90s on grass. Also Maria Carrick has kindly sponsored a cup for the flashiest horse in the 60s & 70s category in memory of her gelding Flashdance – a really nice way to remember such a superstar. We hope to see Cheval members supporting this great cause.
Supporting Ovarian Cancer Knowledge (SOCK) was the brainchild of the late Jane Keating, a Cheval member. Following her diagnosis with ovarian cancer, Jane wanted to do something positive as there was limited information available to women about ovarian cancer. Unfortunately Jane lost her battle with cancer in October 2011; however her memory lives on through the wonderful work of SOCK. . To date the running total of the funds raised from this show for SOCK is an incredible €27,000 (see for more information).
- 17th August – Polo Crosse Maria Carrick is coordinating a social evening at Polo Crosse at Carrickmines, there are only 12 spaces, Maria will reconfirm her waiting list first to see if date still suits those on that list but there are still a few spaces. If you want to join the group please contact Maria on, ph 087-6241743. and she will add you to the list. This is our 3rd year and it has proven to be a brilliant fun night previously.
26th August – End of season show /BBQ/members meeting– We are having an end of season show in Cheval on Saturday 26th of August. This is a very casual free event for all Cheval members starting at 1.30pm. A chance for a bit of jumping, a BBQ and a bit of craic. This will include the opportunity to compete for our end of year trophies such as top score and pairs. We will also take the opportunity to discuss any ideas or suggestions for going forward. Hope to see everyone there even if you just come for a burger 🙂
- 27th August – Annual Horse & Pony Show – Cheval’s annual Horse and Pony show is always a busy show. It is a great opportunity for neighbours and members kids to compete as it is open to all. A fun day with classes such as lead rein, fancy dress and most obedient pony. There will be cross pole jumping all day and mini midi maxi classes also. It is a busy day and we need as many helpers as possible. If you have not yet stepped forward to help at one of our shows we ask you to do so now. Please contact Angela with your availability on the day.
- NER Autumn Dressage league – NER clubs are hosting an autumn dressage league and the good news is its all on Cheval grounds. There will be normal classes and sportsman, meaning can ride above their grade if they wish to try it out before upgrading in 2018. Details to be fully confirmed but plan is Saturdays 9th, 16th, 30th Sept and the final on 14th Oct. Copperfield, Castlehill, Kileek all running first 3 leg Cheval will only be running the final but will be receiving a small fee from each club hosting their leg on our grounds. More details to follow.
Upcoming AIRC events: **The most up to flyers are always available on the AIRC events page**
Castle Hill RC are hosting Working Hunter clinics with Anne Stanley on Thurs evenings the 17th and 24th of August in advance of their Working Hunter Show on 3rd Contact to book your spot.
- NER Autumn Dressage league – NER clubs are hosting an autumn dressage league and the good news is its all on Cheval grounds. There will be normal classes and sportsman, meaning can ride above their grade if they wish to try it out before upgrading in 2018. Details to be fully confirmed but plan is Saturdays 9th, 16th, 30th Sept and the final on 14th Oct. Copperfield, Castlehill, Kileek all running first 3 leg Cheval will only be running the final but will be receiving a small fee from each club hosting their leg on our grounds. More details to follow.
Membership Benefits:
All Cheval Members are now Preferred Customer of The Physio Company, Chartered Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinics! Each member is entitled to:
- €10 discount on treatment charges
- Preferred Appointment times
- Free 15 minute Initial Assessment
The free consultation is designed to assist those members who feel that they might have an injury, unexplained pain, reduced flexibility, joint stiffness, muscle imbalance or a postural problem, however are unsure of whether this can be treated and if so how and by whom.
It is worth noting if you have health insurance you may be entitled to a further discount.
Locations: 21 Physiotherapy Clinics across Dublin (Baggot St, Barrow ST, IFSC, Merrion Square, Temple Bar, Durmcondra, Malahide , Navan Rd, Raheny, Santry, Swords VHI to name a few – see
Call 1890 749746 to make an appointment making sure you advise you are a Preferred Customer as a member of Cheval
Remember your AIRC card also gives you a discount in the Horse Mad Store (sponsors of the Spring Show) and Whites Argi!
Safety remains of utmost importance to Cheval. With the increasing number of lawsuits insurance prices are on the rise. The AIRC’s own insurance went up 40% this year. Luckily the committee managed to negotiate the insurance for Cheval’s grounds to stay the same for 2017, but we must be vigilant to ensure all accidents are avoided and when they do happen we follow a strict protocol. This will help lessen the chances of the club being sued.
With that in mind:
- Please be reminded no one can ride in the grounds without a competent person with them. This person must be able to call for an ambulance and give directions in the worst case scenario.
- At all times whilst mounted a riding hat (up to current AIRC standard) must be worn and must be fastened closed.
- If you have a fall whilst training on the grounds you must report it to a member of the committee – you will be required to fill out an accident report form soonest
At any show run by any AIRC club:
- If you have a fall or have an accident you must report it to a member of the hosting club committee or the entries desk – you will be required to fill out an accident report form before remounting
- Be vigilant – if you see anyone acting in an unsafe manner you can ask them to stop or report it to a member of the hosting club
At any show run by Cheval:
- If you have a fall or have an accident you must report it to a member of the show committee or the entries desk – you will be required to fill out an accident report form before remounting
- If you see anyone fall – ensure they fill an accident report form before remounting – we need all members to help with this as if Cheval’s insurance increases so will your membership
- Be vigilant – if you see anyone acting in an unsafe manner you can ask them to stop or report it to a member of the committee urgently – remember Cheval is your club and your responsibility
- There is a two fall rule – if you fall twice at any show run by Cheval you are not allowed remount at that show under any circumstances
We will be providing members with some training on how to complete an incident report form – the more detail provided in this form the better as it can help avoid law suits down the line.
2017 Leaderboard: Email your results to Christina:
